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# The Furriest War: How AI Enthusiasts Stole Art from Furry Artists and Sparked a Massive Online Conflict
You may have heard of Artbreeder, the online service that lets you create stunning and realistic images with the help of artificial intelligence. But did you know that Artbreeder is also the source of one of the biggest controversies in the history of online art?
It all started in 2020, when Artbreeder added a new category to its service: furry. Furry is a term for people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, or animals with human traits. Furry art is a popular genre of fan art that depicts furry characters in various settings and styles.
But there was a problem: Artbreeder didn't create its own furry images from scratch. Instead, it used images from e621, an online gallery for furry art, as training data for its neural networks. Neural networks are the algorithms that power Artbreeder's image generation. They learn from existing images and create new ones based on them.
This means that Artbreeder was essentially copying and remixing the works of furry artists without their permission. This violated their copyrights and ethics. Many furry artists were outraged by Artbreeder's actions and demanded that it stop using their works and delete them from its database.
But Artbreeder refused to comply. It claimed that it was not infringing on anyone's rights, but rather creating new derivative works that were fair use. It argued that its service was a form of artistic expression and experimentation that benefited the public.
This sparked a huge online conflict between Artbreeder and e621. E621 banned its users from uploading images from Artbreeder to its site and asked Artbreeder to remove all images from e621 from its database. Artbreeder initially resisted, but after pressure from e621 and other furry communities, it agreed to delete all disputed images and apologize.
But the damage was done. The conflict between Artbreeder and e621 left a bitter taste in the mouths of many online artists and art lovers. Many e621 users still distrust Artbreeder and refuse to use it. And many Artbreeder users still enjoy creating furry images and characters.
The Artbreeder-e621 controversy is the first known conflict between artists with and AI enthusiasts. It raises important questions about the role of AI in art, the rights of artists, and the ethics of image generation. It also shows how the internet can be a place of both creativity and conflict.
What do you think about this controversy? Are you on Team Artbreeder or Team e621? Do you like furry art or not? Let us know in the comments below!
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